Punkofnice - I appreciate your comment, but if Spirtuk is not being totally honest, then he would have absolutley no "evidence" to present about this sister, and we have no discussion. If he has physical proof of the dishonesty, hypocritical and premeditated heartless behaviour of this so-called sister, then I think he should send it.
To your question, no I do not know this particular sister, but in my many decades of being part of the borg, I have had dealings with many sisters like this, my sister being one. As I said in my previous comment - if this was the first time, I could overlook it, it's not - we know there's been at least two similiar situations, and their could be more, that we are not aware of. The fact that she bragged that the previous unbeliever still loves her, shows how shallow she is. My thoughts on this are not about punishment through the borg, its about stopping a shallow, egotistical, cruel person from hurting anyone else.